I went camping this past weekend. It rained. I got to ride my first jetski. In the rain. It was the best day, EVER! Flying across the water is a wonderful feeling. I could have spent all day on that jetski.
I spent the weekend camping in Swift Forest Camp at Swift Reservior on the lush slopes of Mt. St. Helens. I don't know if you can normally see the volcano, but due to weather issues, we(the Parkers, Badeshears, and Blakemans) could not. I can't really complain about the weather because it did quit raining midday Saturday, and it was warm. Anyone who has spent any time in the Northwest knows that you can't ask for more than that. Which is why I found myself walking to the lake, in the rain, wearing a swimsuit and rain pants. And I was carrying a towel. I still can't decide what was sillier; the rain pants or the towel? I think I wore the rain pants so I didn't have to walk through the campground in just a suit. I guess I brought the towel because you bring a towel to dry off when you go swimming. Some things are just instinctual. Duh.
I will start saving up now so I can get you a jetski for your 60th birthday.
yay!!! only 24 years until I get my jetski
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